Friday, March 28, 2014

C&O Canal continued...

The weather was descent  today and the dogs were ready to go.
"Get in! There's no time to explain!"

We farted around some old ruined buildings, just south of Shepherdstown.

Scared some Wood Ducks (Aix sponsaout of a flooded quarry. The dogs eliminated any chance I would of had to get a shot of them.

Played around in a spring house.

There were some Two-Lined Salamanders (Eurycea b. bislineata) larvae, a Pickerel (Lithobates palustris), a Redback  (Plethodon cinereus), few unidentified salamanders I didn't get around to catching, and a bluish crayfish I also didn't get around to catching. It's a promising spot that I hope to return to when there's less dog shenanigans.
Dog shenanigans.

Larval Two-Lined Salamander

Skinny Pickerel

Redback Salamander

Also heard a raven calling from atop the railroad bridge...

It was a solid day, but the dogs didn't help much.

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